Godiva assorted chocolates

Lot Number:723A
Start Time:1/4/2023 2:00:00 PM
End Time:1/9/2023 12:55:00 AM
Bid Count:1
Starting Bid:$10.00
Bid Increment:$2.00
Current Bid:$10.00CDN
Bidding complete

15% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final sale price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.



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All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS. 

All sales are final, everything is selling as is where is will all faults, descriptions believed accurate but not guaranteed.  By placing a bid, bidder signifies that they are bidding regardless of item condition.    This is an Online Bidding Only auction format.  15% Buyers Premium applies on each item.  Bid as you go or leave a max bid and let the computer bid for you dollar for dollar.  All sales are subject to HST.  We accept Cash, debit, Visa & Mastercard.  We reserve the right to cancel and/or reopen the auction bidding.  Credit cards will be pre-authorized for $200.  Once auction is complete, if you were not the winning bidder on any items then the $200 will released back to your card.  If you were the winning bidder then this will be put towards your purchase and also the remainder of the balance will be put on credit card on file.  Goods left more than 3 days are subject to resale without notice for storage fees. If bidder declines items for any reason deposit will not be refunded, and bidder will be barred from any and all auctions, NO EXCEPTIONS.

2250 CR 31

Items are to be be removed no later than January 13th at 3 pm.  Items left after this date will be subject to resale without notice for storage fees.  An email will be sent out after auction loses to book an appointment time.